Epic Phail <---------eh? How to pronounce? (feyl) Fail XD aka (baldi epik) Epic Pail
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Television-------->Tali Besen?
Diz iz wrong--------->Tis ish wong----------->Dis is wrong---------->This is write----------->This is right
Haha,funny words by funny people,man watch the lingo~ you've ruined it.
Lingo* =Language
Sometimes we wanted to be different but at the same time...it's just too much
Hawtsetaff----------> Hot stuff
Which Kindergarten you've graduated?
Wut iz diz? Tis iz rubbish.
Some Malaysian...well got their "Bahasa Daerah" for example...My dad!
My name is Firzanah but he always called "Pizanah" or Fiza turns to Piza =.='.
In America for those who frequently does spelling mistakes is considered "LOW EDUCATED"
But in our beloved country people would probably:
"Relax ar,ni pon kaw nak amek serious ejaan kat blog je cm neh.Sekolah lain luar lain"
Telling the truth and nothing but the truth.It's up to you~ But there's no such thing together-gether we change~
It's together we can change. :3
Labels: B, bad, Bahasa Daerah, error, F, P, Spelling, V, wrong