So I've learnt a lot from the movie, he proved that his name has something to do with the Pi formula, 3.142 and turn out to memorized the whole numbers for the formula. At that moment I realized that all those jokes and teases make me stand up and be who I am now. The movie is also based on metaphors, I know whenever I tell my friends about this movie, they would probably don't understand the scripts and I don't blame them. Maybe I can understand the story because I'm a writer, we learn from observation and we mostly can easily feel what others feel........I admit, I can be too sensitive sometimes. The best story always come from the real life experience, normal people who do extraordinary things to overcome the obstacles that blocking their way to success. Why do I sound so serious today? I workout too hard and I had a severe fever....something to do with dehydration. There's another reason why I sounded so serious,
I sounded so serious because I can finally prove to other people that I can be a very successful writer and a well-known person one day, for winning The Highest Votes and The Most Popular Blogpost for Maybank Foundation and Perdana Foundation Leadership. This means a lot to me, as it is the platform for me to stand out in the public eyes. I may not be a champion yet, but I still have time to learn a lot from the people who are more experienced in writing. This is the highest achievement I ever achieved and I hope I could get a place to win this competition. I would like to say thank you to my readers who voted for my essay and I'm very grateful to have wonderful readers like you guys whether you are a silent reader, a random stalker and everyday people who read my blog. A million thanks to you guys!
Not to forget, I would also like to thank to those people who like to made fun of my name wait....Why do I thank them? Because without them, I might be in my comfort zone and do nothing to discover the "talent" I have. Writing isn't always about words, it's a passion. So that's all for The Life of Pi-zza. :).